good looking Dutch Woman wore orange dresses to the
Fifa World Cup game in South Africa were arrested at half time and appeared in a South African Court.
Fifa dropped charges against the South African woman wearing the same orange dresses and
proceeded with
criminal charges against
Mirte Nieuwpoort and Barbara
Castelein. The woman were released on bail of R10 000 each and
their passports have been taken from them. Who would think that wearing orange to a football match could land you up in a South African Jail. South African Jails are
amongst the worst in the world and could end up costing one's life. An international outcry and a diplomatic row was beginning to simmer between the Netherlands and South Africa.
It is totally
outrageous that these pretty girls have gone through all this just for wearing orange dresses. Dutch Foreign Minister
Maxime Verhagen has spoken to the South African ambassador in The Hague, Peter
Goosen. "He indicated to the ambassador that the charges and the arrest of these two woman were disproportionate and not correct."
What do you think about this?
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